Run, Beautiful, Run

Boxed Set

Ruthless Dominant protectors allow nothing and no one to stand between them and their submissives.


Falling in love was never an option…
Hardened Hawkeye agent Logan Powell does women a favor by avoiding emotional entanglements. They deserve to be cherished—something he’s not capable of…until he meets gorgeous Jennifer Berklee. But her innocence is his undoing, and not even his elite military training is enough to lock down his jaded heart.


Falling in love is a risk he can’t afford…
Staff Sergeant Pierce Holden is unrelentingly ambitious, until he visits home and realizes his little sister’s best friend has become a stunningly gorgeous woman…who’s being romanced by a player. No matter how Pierce fights himself, Ella fires his protective instincts—and his libido.


It’s his job to protect her, and doing so may destroy them both.
Former military hero and sworn protector Kane Patterson has never forgotten Morgan Holden, the brunette beauty he’d kissed at a friend’s wedding. When she’s approached by a wannabe Dom at his favorite club, he acts. No one but him is touching her gorgeous body.

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